Tuesday, September 20, 2005

In the darkness...

picture courtesy of vernieman

It's raining outside...
I looked into the streets among the failing light...
an old trishaw pedals hard for shelter against the pelt...
the shutters creak with age, the grilles shudder in fright...
in full submission to God's violent wrath...

the attap roof amplified the volume of the storm...
here and there, drips of rain escaped wear and tear
breaking into a free fall...
into basins anticipating...
and I stand in the darkness...observing...anticipating...

what do I anticipate...
an obscure customer a'knockin...
much needed money for my ailing kin...
is it salvation...
delivery from the clutches of vice...
in the abstinence of anal sin...
and I stand in the darkness, pondering...contemplating...

why am I here...
born to breathe the air of freedom...
only to quickly be burdened by toils of life...
poverty, sickness, death...

as pearls of ruby disrupt the crystal clear rainwater...
I sense life in a reverse motion...
reeling back to where it all began...
in the darkness...

2 個吹水的人:

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Wuching said...

hand off your croth please!

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Vernon said...

Who is the model? Damn hemsen wei!


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