Get-Penny-A-Boyfriend Campaign
One of my colleagues is getting married next Sunday and has decided to send out an email for attendance confirmation. Everyone inserted their names into the list and come my turn, I inserted 'Jimmy & Agnes'. After that, my fellow Octagonians started getting really creative...1) Hon
2) Verne + Hannah Sarah Tan
3) Jimbo and Agnes
4) Saejunn
5) Boon & family
6) Choy yee & choy yee
7) Penny & Invisible man
After reading what Penny wrote, I can't help but shoot out this mail...
7) Penny & Invisible man --------------> highlights Penny's Desperation / Anguish / Deprivation
Dear All,
I would like to implore you to join the 'Get-Penny-A-Boyfriend' campaign! As you can see from the statement above, she has reached terminal stage where an imagined and hallucinatory boyfriend is formed by her subliminal being to fill up the empty void inside her lonely heart. So we need the help of kind samaritans like yourself to grab great bachelors and make our beloved Penny's invisible a livin' flesh and blood.
Thank you.
Jimmy Lim
Chairperson 'Get-Penny-A-Boyfriend' campaign
Haha! It was just for laffs but just in case any of you are wondering what Penny looks like, here it is!