Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Monday Blues
My first day in the office after 2 weeks of photography, relatively free in comparison to the amount of work I had during the shoot. I have not been doing much since morning except preparing a few DOs, following up with some jobs and preparing a schedule.I think my office email account is f*cked up because I can't seem to receive any mails from either the client or my boss. My Friendster does not alert me of any additions or messages and the pig of the developer is taking forever to respond to my appeal for the interest waiver. Well I guess you just kinda cling on... hoping, no respond for now is better than a big resounding no yah.
Am suppose to meet up with one of the contractors to check out the house. Received a call from him yesterday and he mentioned he could help with the minor defects if he gets the job. Well, I guess no harm could come to showing him the house... imagine waiting 30 days for the indons to fix the defects. I have promised Li-Ann that she could move in by beginning of Jan.
That brings me to the most important thing I gotta do today, my gf's bday gift. I know I have been mean, but I have not stepped out of the hotel at all for the week that I am there. I will hafta make good the gift although I can only spare RM 80 now. Thanks to the freaking cheque that I thought I could cash. I seriously think hell will break loose if I fail to turn up with a gift by today.
Yeah, monday blues... tell me 'bout it.
Midnight Canter
Most of the interior shots done with Peter last week were scheduled from midnight till 7 in the morning to avoid crowds and fussy customers, so you get to see a lot of interesting things and some perks during the wee hours in the morning. We were shooting the Lobby Lounge on Thursday and there was this chick that came with this ugly looking guy. We were setting up for the shot and the cleaners were busy cleaning away nearby, these 2 however totally ignored our presence and settled comfortably in one of the sofas. It was ok at first, intimate caresses and close contact of the skin but it soon heightened to pecks and later on french kisses. OMG, me and hon were treated to a free show and it was like those freaking drama you watch in serials, kissing then crying then kiss again and the cycle repeats itself.Then on Friday night, we managed to catch braless chicks from Zeta shuffling out in style to board their MPVs to million dollar racers back home. I had a chat with the security supervisor there and realized you can even call on pros* should the need arises, Indon, Chinese, Russian etc. just tell him what you need and he can get it for you for just RM 200 per session. Guess this is an inevitable culture in hotels. huh?
Due to strict hotel policy on F&B, they replace food above 12 hours with fresh ones. So we were offered cakes, muffins and pastries from Caffe Cino when we were doing the place. It was no joke, there were lots of leftovers but me and Hon were just too stuffed from a heavy dinner to take them in, a real crying shame. BOO HOO
Yeah yeah... so I know I've been out of comission for the pass 2 weeks or so. I kept telling myself I can't help it, but deep down inside I know I coulda done it somehow or rather if I wanted. Been working on shoots first for the Hilton Wedding Brochure followed by interior shots for the hotel. Wasn't suppose to work for the latter, but Silvio has not been in the office for 3 weeks and its high time he catch up with some paperwork. Failure to do so would most probably result in no end of the year vacation back to Italy for him.I was thinking that it would be bad timing anyway, since he told me that we won the KFC and QSR annual report and newsletter pitch. So I will be very much filling in his shoes with some help from Jim and Ying Jeh.
Haha, but I guess the best thing about the shoot was to meet Amber Chia, our very own homegrown Guess model. Don't be fooled by her elegant and cool outlook for she is very down to earth and easy to talk too, speaking of which I have to mention here that she's got a voracious appetite for a model ;P~ LOL.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Decided to go back to Malacca after the posting of Rahtree, so I took Agnes out for lunch before sending her back to her house. She insisted on dimsum so I brought her to our usual dimsum spot at Jalan Ipoh, kinda love the traffic today as the roads are clearer than I expected. As soon as we reached her place, I helped her with the hamster cages AND luggage AND books AND the laptop and was about to take off when she told me she wanted to go down to Malacca too. So I had to move back her bag into the car again while she ponders over whether to bring the hamsters back or not.It was a sunny afternoon drive back to Malacca and the siew mais and har kors started to take effect. My eyelids grew heavy and I told Agnes to give me a hard pinch should I ever doze off... this she gladly oblige with a big grin (freaking sadist). There was this dumb green Honda Civic with KL number that was blocking everybody's road, and when I overtook the bastard he even had the nerves to honk at me! Drivers like these never fail to piss me off.
Went to Kin Chee's house after sending my girlfriend back and fondled with his computer while he did some upkeep to mine. Was trying out Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War till I got damn sleepy yet again. After he was done, we went for our routine gaming session in Gula Melaka and dinner after that since my mum was not cooking. It was this new place in Melaka Raya and they named it after that cult martial film, Dragon Inn. Guess the area emulates a lot of the modern food courts like Ming Tien; nice booths, staffs with uniform and big projector screens. All the kids were happily pulling chairs to sit underneath the screen watching the Leon Lai version of Jingyong's Flying Snow Fox.
Argh... I wanna quit bloggin' and get back to my taisen risshiden V. Laterz!
Flower of the Night
I wanted to bring Agnes out yesterday after work, so i booked the tickets for the movie. It seems the complaint email I wrote sometime ago took effect, as they finally did a total revamp of their whole site (bet lots of others wrote in as well). I booked a Thai film by director Yuthlert Sippapak, of Killer Tatoo fame by the name of 'Rahtree - Flower of the Night', can't say I am familiar with the director and everything but I am a big fan of horror flicks so I was thinking this will be good to keep me from winking off.
Now the suprise is this film is more than I bargained for. Although it has got a very slooooow start that plays a lot of emphasis on the development of the 2 main characters, Boopah and her rich boyfriend Ake, the screams start as soon as Boopah dies (why did she do it?!). A lot of emphasis is placed on scaring the audience and the occasional jokes cracked by the other characters add some relief to an otherwise fast paced horror story that will have your hair standing at tail's end. Although the make-up wasn't fantastic, 'Rahtree' did well to incorporate the trademark HK sound effects as well as maximize the frequency of scares and appearances as opposed to Korean and Jap horror movies. Would recommend this movie to guys who wanna cop a good feel *wink wink* and ladies who have a strong stomach. Cheers!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Dispatch Woes
I HATEEEEE 'em dispatches. They are suppose to be there to deliver/collect things to and from your clients so you can divert your time to attend to more pressing issues but everytime you need them, they will not be available lah... balik kampung lah... today holiday lah... and in the end who has to do the dirty work of delivering the items to the client, myself. Go all the way to the client's office, park the car, collect the stuff, get down and take the lift to the client's office, they check and sign off and I'm off again. The whole process exclusive of the traffic jams will take approximately 30 minutes - 45 minutes, but the dreaded part is having to jam your way back to the office! THERE, more than 2 hours wasted doing nothing productive when the dispatch could have done to and fro in 30 with their ultra sleek motorbikes.Bah humbug, and they can't even tell me yet where to deliver it to... so I'm like on a freaking delivery boy on standby. I HATE IT!
The 3 Minute Passion
Reading blogs from fellow colleagues and friends alike has spurred me to make an attempt into bloggin' myself. '3 minutes passion' is actually a Chinese saying which means starting off something with a big bang but losing that zing in the final lap. I honestly do not know how long this enthusiasm will last, but at the very least... I think it is a good way to express myself and maybe even pick up copywriting which I have abandoned so long ago. I welcome all constructive criticism and even look forward to them as long as you give a reason to shoot me down... feel free to express your thoughts as well as I believe that's the reason why we are all here... to share!So having said that, welcome to BLOG.YACK and enjoy your stay!